Monday, August 23, 2010
The Great Dane sighting!
Hi everyone! Sorry I havent posted in a little while, school has started up again so Tonya hasn't had very much time to help me write a blog. This also means that I haven't been getting as much attention as usual this past week. (how can they resist my cute, "I'm the best dog in the world" face?!) They did, however have time to take me to the dog park this weekend! We went to the dog park and met up with Tonya's friend's dog, named Maybell. Maybell is a a rottweiler, labrador mix; we had only met each other one other time, when we were both puppies, but we still had lots of fun together! Guess what else?! I saw two, full grown, Great Danes, just like my blog friend Honey the Great Dane! Tonya had only seen a Great Dane in real life once before, a couple of years ago; and I, myself had never seen one before. They were soooo big!! One was a brindle Dane (which is like a tiger stripe pattern), and the other one was a mantle dane. (black with a white tummy) Tonya was so excited! Ever since she was little girl she has wanted a Great Dane! (thank goodness mom doesn't really like big dogs, or else they would not have gotten me!) They were very well behaved, and even though they were very gentle with me, I was still really scared of them. (I mean, the top of my head barely came up to their knees!!!) Anyway, Tonya talked to the owners about them for a while, and when they left to continue their walk, Tonya couldn't stop talking about. Now, I don't see the big, I mean they were definitaley not as cute as me, right?! Oh, and Tonya noticed that both of the owners had big gloves on that Tonya said they used to wipe off the dog's drool! (Glad I don't have that problem!) Anyway, I had a really fun time at the dog park, but unfortunately, Tonya forgot to bring her camera! So she doesn't have any pictures of me at the dog park, and, plus, the computer with all of Tonya's pictures on it ( we have 2 computers, and only one has pictures on it) isn't working, so Tonya is REALLY sorry that there are no pictures to this post, but she says she will post some pictures of me as soon as the computer is fixed.
Monday, August 16, 2010
My First Blog Award!

I am very honored to get this award! It is my first ever blog award! I am also exited to pass along this blog to my other fellow bloggers!
Here are the rules for this reward:
1. Thank the blogger that gave you the reward.
2. Share 7 things about your self.
3. Pass the award onto 15 bloggers that you have recently discovered and think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you sent the award to, and let them know about the award.
Here it is!:
1. Thank you Sprinkles, very much for this award!
2. 7 things about me:- I am a male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
- I love to play soccer, and I am a great goalie!
- I like to try and tear up any cloth or paper item, ex: socks, towels, napkins.
- I love to give people kisses!
- I always wag my tail when someone is talking to me.
- My favorite tow is my Dinosaur chew toy.
- I love to sleep!
3. Since I am new to the blog world, I do not know alot of blogs, so I will try and give this award to as many of my new blog friends as possible. (Although I don't think I can reach 15)
- Lexi and Jasper the Great Danes
- Honey the Great Dane
- Oscar the Maltese
- Rufus and Indie
- Bella and Barry the Beagle
4. Gonna do it as soon as possible!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Rainy Days
I haven't been doing much in the past few days, it has been raining alot, so Tonya says I have to stay indoors except for my afternoon walk and potty breaks. I hate it when it rains, because it makes the grass all wet, and then my feet and legs get soaked when I go outside, which means I will be all wet and cold until I eventually dry off. I also haven't been getting much attention inside the house (its hard to believe how they can resist my cute puppy dog face!). Mom and dad have been busy with work and Tonya and my other human pup have been getting ready to go back to high school, because their summer vacation is almost over. I do have some exciting news though! I am going to start clicker training! Tonya read about how benefical clicker training is, so now she says she is going to start me on clicker training! I am very excited! Now, I already know basic commands such as sit, lay down, shake, come, and stay, but Tonya has not been keeping up with my training as much as she would like. So now she is going to teach me lots of fun, new tricks (which means more treats for me!)
Some pictures of the my week:
Some pictures of the my week:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
School Time
Sorry I have not posted a blog in a while, Tonya has been very busy getting ready for school, because in a couple of weeks she has to go back to this place called high school, just like she did last year. And once school starts it means I will be home alone most of the day, but I don't mind all at that much, because I mostly sleep all day, and when I am not sleeping, I play with my toys (I am very good at playing with my toys by myself, I always sit in the living room and bark and run every time I squeak my squeaky ball, and I can do this for a long time and still have fun with it.) Since Tonya and everyone else have been so busy this past week, the only fun things I have really been doing are going on my daily walks and playing soccer with someone, whenever they get a chance. Anyway, here are some pictures of what I have been doing:

This one is before I got my summer haircut. (Don't I look so scruffy?)
Me in my bed.

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