Monday, October 4, 2010

My new stuffy!

So, Tonya was watching T.V. last weekend, and on a commercial she saw an add for a doggie stuffy that she thought I would like. So she want to the doggie store and got it for me as a suprise! Here are some pictures of me spending time with my new friend, who Tonya has named Baloo.
(As you can see, I have already put a few holes in it!) :)


  1. I think Baloo is about as long as you are, Sammy!

  2. Hehe look like you tired yourself out putting holes into Baloo. Lucky it's the perfect shape for you to rest on afterwards!

    Love, Oscar and the gang

  3. Oh Sammy - that looks like the most cuddly stuffie! And I can see that you just LOVE it! :-)

    Honey the Great Dane
    ps. is the stuffing still in it? Hee! Hee!
